Resources to get your bank’s business customers funded

As a lender, you’ve likely comes across a business customer who went elsewhere for a faster loan or more favorable deal. Or, you’ve had customers that fall short of your institution’s conventional criteria.

Consider Pursuit your partner in finding solutions that work for these types of customers and you’ll earn their trust and business in the long term. Your customers can access more than 15 loan programs directly through Pursuit. These programs complement conventional banking products and serve to expand the options that you can offer your business customers.

Whether your customer needs a credit enhancement or second look to make a loan possible, a funding timeline that’s quicker than what your institution offers or more competitive rates and terms, Pursuit can help.

Expand your product offerings

Increase the number of loan options that you can offer your customers when they need terms, requirements or timelines not offered at your bank. Our core partner programs include:

Fast funding

If your customer has an urgent funding need, the Pursuit SmartLoan can finance up to $100,000 in just 5-7 business days. They’ll benefit from the convenient process and fast funding timeline, and you’ll retain their business for the future.

Second look loan programs and general business funding

When a customer falls short of your bank’s criteria, you can provide them with an option that will get them to an approval. Pursuit leverages a variety of second look and general business funding loan programs including SBA 7(a) and Community Advantage.

Most bank partners find that we are able to offer a larger credit box for approval than other lenders. This often allows businesses operating in riskier industries, startups, and those working on building their credit and finances to get funded.

Owner-occupied commercial real estate financing

Offering lower interest rates, longer terms, and a higher loan-to-value ratio can give your bank an advantage in the competitive commercial mortgage landscape. These features can also help more of your customers get funded, or make larger purchases possible for growing businesses.

Partner with Pursuit to offer below market rates, terms of up to 25 years and up to 90% financing to your customers and keep the lending relationship at your bank. Learn more about our owner-occupied commercial real estate mortgage program.

Serve businesses of all shapes and sizes

You work with a wide array of customers, from new and growing enterprises to established businesses. Businesses at any stage find value in Pursuit’s flexible requirements, terms and favorable rates. If you have a customer who is looking for, or could benefit from, a loan that your bank doesn’t currently offer, contact Pursuit.

Work with a trusted lending partner

When you refer a business customer to Pursuit, you’re putting them in the hands of a trusted partner with more than six decades of experience finding innovative, out-of-the box solutions that make loans possible.

Pursuit’s approach balances a fast process with due diligence to ensure that your customer is provided with the best loan for them, now and in the future. Contact a lender today to learn more referral partnership that puts affordable and responsible financing in the hands of your customers.

Partner with Pursuit

Sometimes, you need to offer businesses products, terms or requirements that complement traditional banking. That’s where Pursuit can help.

Partner REsources

Discover how Patrick and Christine Hall used an SBA 504 loan to purchase space in a revered Tribeca co-op building and build Élan into one of metro New York’s most prestigious and beloved florists and event-design businesses.

Élan Flowers: Blossoming in Lower Manhattan with an SBA 504 Loan

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