5 Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

5 Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Small Business

This article is a guest post by Pursuit Consulting Corps member and digital marketing expert Erin Sendor.

No matter how much the last few years has impacted your business, ensuring an
up-to-date online presence and engaging with your customers has never
been more important. Adding a digital marketing component to your business strategy can help your business continue to grow even as it faces the uncertainty ahead.

Here are five key digital marketing strategies for small business growth that  you can use to boost your business:

1. Keep your customers in the loop

Digital communication is more important than ever. Many businesses have made considerable changes in how they interact with their customers. Sharing community updates related to your business and proactively keeping your customers informed is crucial to growing your business.

Whether you’re beginning to sell your products or services online, or simply offering extra communication and engagement, you’ll further develop trust and awareness of your brand by continuing your digital communications.

Action Tips:

  • Keep your website and landing pages up to date with any changes you make to your business.
  • Ensure your information is correct on Google My Business and other channels (like your Facebook page, for example), including contact information, business hours and any changes to your services, such as take-out and delivery options.
  • Share relevant updates on your social media pages.
  • Inform your customers of any changes and specials through email marketing.

2Make sure your marketing is reaching the right people

Think about your target audience and what they really need. Actively and empathetically consider their needs and concerns, and work on how to deliver value. Don’t be afraid to ask your customers what they want – and respond accordingly.

Make sure you're conscientiously advertising your offerings for maximum impact. Depending on your industry, you'll need to balance between focusing on your customers' short term needs while also keeping an eye towards your long-term goals.

Action Tips:

  • Decide how your products or services can serve demand remotely.
  • Create and share content that speaks to your customers’ current needs and concerns. 
  • Drive performance with retargeting campaigns, which offer focused, well-timed targeted ads to those who previously interacted with your business online.
  • Reach new customers through paid search marketing and social media advertising, which allow precise targeting to your key demographics. 

3. Engage with your online community

For small businesses that rely on their surrounding community, localized marketing and engagement efforts should be central to your strategy.

Increasingly, your community (or virtual community) wants to support local businesses – whether through take-out or delivery from neighborhood restaurants, online shopping from local stores, or using services virtually.

As a business driven by the community, ensure your content strategy accounts for local intent, and offer products or services targeted to your market.

Action Tips:

  • Optimize your website with local search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure a geographically-targeted web presence.
  • Post community updates on your website and social media channels and focus a renewed effort on quality customer service.
  • Thank your customers and followers on your social media channels and share all the ways they can continue to support your business.
  • Give shout-outs to any businesses you partner with.

4. Use new channels to innovate your business

Depending on your industry, consider all the ways to creatively connect with your audience. How can you appropriately position your business and its products? If possible, consider providing your products or services online, or adjusting your current e-commerce strategy.

Make sure the content you're sharing is relevant to the situation and your brand. By doing so, you can virtually educate or entertain your followers and give your business a human voice. Show why people should continue to support you, your employees and your business.

Action Tips:

  • Set up an online store on your website or through Instagram Shopping to offer your products or services online.
  • Share educational tips about your products or services on your website’s blog and on social media channels.
  • Create engaging video content, do a live stream, or try a new platform, such as TikTok.
  • Promote what makes your business unique, including your most relevant products or services, your hard-working employees, and any of your business's specialties.

5Boost brand loyalty through thoughtful positivity

Right now, the world needs more good news and generosity. Aligning with your company’s values, be inspiring in a helpful, authentic way that connects with your audience and applies to the current situation. Showcase an upbeat, useful take on your products or offer extra services that are practical and necessary during this time.

Complementing the local outreach strategy, look for ways to inspire and champion your community. If it is feasible for your business, find ways to donate your products or volunteer your services. Spread encouragement by supporting or giving back to the community, and then share with your online community how you are helping others!

Action Tips:

  • Be realistically positive with your content strategy by sharing encouraging news and relevant, inspiring content.
  • Post visually appealing imagery and user-generated content to engage with your loyal customers.
  • Share your company values and philanthropic works on your website and social media channels.
  • Run a giveaway contest with your products or services to generate excitement and leads for your business. For even more impact, team up with other brands for a shared giveaway.

Take advantage of this opportunity to boost digital communications

Whether your business's strategy right now is focused on short-term growth or long-term planning, digital marketing can be a much-needed boost for your business's bottom line. The continual disruption of normalcy and increased uncertainty can be unnerving, especially for small businesses. These digital marketing tips can help you thoughtfully and innovatively adjust your business strategy and emphasize what your business offers.

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