NYBDC Makes Donations to Six Brooklyn Area Food Pantries to Honor Outgoing Brooklyn President and Local Banker

(Brooklyn)  New York Business Development Corporation (NYBDC) Foundation today made six $1,000 donations to Brooklyn food pantries to honor outgoing Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz and TD Bank’s Phil Stenger.

The gifts were made through the BrooklynEats Cares initiative of the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce.  The six recipient agencies are Campaign Against Hunger (Brooklyn), Lighthouse Mission (Coney Island), Masbia (Brooklyn), New Hope Family Worship center (Brooklyn), Reaching Out Services (Brooklyn) and Greenpoint Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen (Brooklyn).

“In recognition of the service, compassion and innovation of Borough President Markowitz and Phil Stenger, I’m pleased to announce these six gifts of $1,000 each to local Brooklyn agencies helping to fight hunger in the community,” said NYBDC President and CEO Pat MacKrell.  “As we work with the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce to help small businesses grow and hire more people, it is always critical to remember the most vulnerable in our communities and do what we can to help them, as well.”

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