2019 Lenders of the Year: Excelsior Growth Fund, New York Business Development Corporation, and The 504 Company
Each year, New York Business Development Corporation and affiliates The 504 Company and Excelsior Growth Fund are proud to recognize the partners who go above and beyond with our “Lender of the Year” awards. These awards recognize lenders that are committed to helping their customers secure an alternative source of funding with us when they do not meet the criteria for conventional financing. This year we are recognizing seven lenders who work diligently every day on behalf of their communities and small business customers. Learn why we’re recognizing this year’s awardees and why they take the time to partner with us.
New Jersey Co-Lenders of the Year: Todd Sparks and Jimmy Jarrell
Why We Awarded Todd and Jimmy:
“Todd and Jimmy helped TD Bank be the #1 third party lender in New Jersey last fiscal year. They are great partners who work collaboratively, and exclusively with us in very competitive markets.”-Renata Colache, Vice President, The 504 Company
Why Todd and Jimmy Partner with The 504 Company:

“I chose to partner with The 504 Company for two reasons, the additional options offered such as funding the bridge when needed is greatly valued and most important the people at The 504 Company have always come through no matter how tough the deal might be. Special thanks to [The 504 Company staff] Ashley Heaton, Renata Colache and Jim Conroy!” -Todd Sparks, Vice President: SBA Lending, TD Bank

“We see great value in the 504 loan program as it opens up financing channels otherwise unavailable to us. Renata [my contact at The 504 Company] is my go-to for all things 504 and she is available at all hours of the day to make sure we deliver a dual cohesive delivery and minimize the efforts of our clients to help them achieve their dreams and goals.”-Jimmy Jarrell, Vice President: SBA & USDA Lending Division, TD Bank
New York Business Development Corporation Lender of the Year: Jonathan Stern
Why We Awarded Jonathan:
“Jonathan and I have had a career together on both sides of the financial spectrum. He is now the 3rd party lender working for Flushing and we have done more than seven deals with him in the past few years.”- Kevin O’Leary, Senior Vice President, New York Business Development Corporation
Why Jonathan Partners with NYBDC:

“It is an honor to receive this award. At Flushing Bank, we recognize that small businesses play a key role in the economic growth of our communities. Through our partnership with NYBDC I am able to provide financing options to prospective small business customers that may not qualify for traditional bank financing.”-Jonathan Stern, Vice President, Flushing Bank
Pennsylvania Lender of the Year: Zoe Combs
Why We Awarded Zoe:
“Zoe is truly a trusted advisor to her clients and the business banking teams she supports. She has been a champion of ours in Eastern Pennsylvania.”-Ashley Heaton, Senior Vice President, The 504 Company
Why Zoe partners with The 504 Company:

“When providing our clients a choice in SBA financing the 504 program is always included. Not only is the program one of the best options for real estate and equipment financing but Ashley Heaton and The 504 Company make the process seamless. She is the main reason for our SBA success in the Philadelphia market. Her expertise and partnership are invaluable.”-Zoe Combs, Vice President: SBA Finance Group, PNC Bank
New York Lender of the Year: Vince Cutrona
Why We Awarded Vince:
”Vince has been a strong proponent of both the 504 program and NYBDC in general ever since I have been with NYBDC. He not only pushes 504 projects with his team but is also tracking the 504 deals from the bank perspective. Vince is well respected both at the bank and in the community and has a very bright future in banking.”-Mike Taylor, Senior Vice President, New York Business Development Corporation
Why Vince Partners with NYBDC:

“Evans Bank works with NYBDC because you can always depend on quick answers that are provided by knowledgeable people. The local representative, Mike Taylor, has built a high trust level with the various relationship managers within the bank who know their customers will be handled in a proper and professional manner.”- Vince Cutrona, Senior Vice President, Evans Bank
Excelsior Growth Fund Lender of the Year: Kellyanne Truesdale
Why We Awarded Kellyanne:
“Kellyanne is a tremendous partner. She has referred numerous clients to Excelsior Growth Fund for financing when NBT is not an option. She really understands how EGF can help the bank retain deposits and customers, and we work very hard to be impactful and build business credit such that over time we can refer those clients back to her at NBT.”-Steve Cohen, President, Excelsior Growth Fund
Why Kellyanne Partners with NYBDC:

“EGF has allowed me to expand my product offerings to meet the needs of smaller businesses who may not qualify for traditional funding sources. I’ve referred customers to EGF when they didn’t quite fit our bank’s lending criteria or if the loan’s purpose wasn’t a good fit for us. And I’ve been very pleased to find that EGF is responsive and provides a fast turnaround for my clients.” -Kellyanne Truesdale, Vice President: Commercial Lending, NBT Bank