We've rebranded as Pursuit!
Ambition, meet funding. Learn about our rebrand and how Pursuit is streamlining access to business loans for entrepreneurs in the communities we serve.
"By nature, business owners pursue bold goals and big ideas"
A message from Pat MacKrell, President and CEO

To the business lending community,
I am pleased to announce that New York Business Development Corporation and affiliates The 504 Company and Excelsior Growth Fund have rebranded as Pursuit.
Our organizations have a rich history of working together to provide the best solution for businesses as they seek funding to start or grow. While each company will continue to operate as it always has, this change allows them all to go to market through a single portal where borrowers and partners can access our full product set.
By nature, entrepreneurs pursue bold goals and big ideas. Our new brand embraces this vision in an exciting way. There’s no better time to embrace a new name that reflects the lender we are today than in the year of our 65th anniversary. We’re proud to honor our history while simultaneously looking to the future. On behalf of the staff and board of directors at Pursuit, thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Patrick J. MacKrell
President & CEO
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Pursuit name and logo mean?
We chose Pursuit for our new brand as it captures the experience of running a small business—pursuing dreams, creating opportunity, and moving upward. Our logo evokes this theme, with the magenta “flight graphic” representing the moment of take-off for a business.
Did NYBDC, The 504 Company, and Excelsior Growth Fund merge?
No, we will still maintain our separate affiliate structure but market them under one brand. This provides the opportunity to put access to all of our loan products in one place, making it easier for our clients and partners to access the right loan.
I’m a referral partner. How will this change the way we work together?
Overall, our work with our referral partners will not be affected by the rebrand. You’ll see a new name and look-and-feel, but can continue to expect the same process and service from our team. Our new website will make it easier to understand the options we offer and will make it possible for your clients to start an application for all of our products through one portal.
I’m a client. Does this impact my loan?
No, our name change will not affect existing loans.
Does the rebrand impact billing and payments?
Beginning in March 2020, you will notice the Pursuit logo on your billing statements. However, you will continue to make ACH payments to NYBDC, Excelsior Growth Fund, or The 504 Company (ESCDC) as you do today. No action is required from you.
Who will service my loan?
Your loan will continued to be serviced by our team.